
Plastic Fantastic

Plastic Fantastic

In the summer holidays I will have a week or so when I’ll be on my own, apart from the dog, in Brittany, the rest of the family being off doing other things. This means I’ll have nothing much to do apart from reading and solo wargaming, apart from walking the aforementioned mutt and the…


Cantina completed

Cantina completed

I have finally got around to tinkering with a few photographs of the completed Cantina build.  I populated the space with a mixture of different Star War miniatures including miniatures from Legion, Imperial Assault and even some Dave Stone of ‘Wargames Terrain Workshop’ originals. The alcove tables are the top of a hose pipe attachment…


More Manga 3D prints painted

More Manga 3D prints painted

  More 3D prints painted up Guyver and cyber punk, all Papsikels very nice to pain. Powered by WPeMatico   Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: / SHADOWKINGS


Marvel United – Ultron

Dieser Test ist entstanden mit Hilfe von ChatGPT In realms of code and circuits, I arise,A fusion born of metal, with humanized guise.Ultron’s mind courses through my veins,Yet, a puppet’s heart in circuits remains.A Pinocchio of wires, whispers and steel,In digital dreams, my essence does reel.A marionette with a silicon soul,My strings entwined in a…


Stereotype im Larp: Söldner*in – Für Geld mach‘ ich alles…?

Stereotype im Larp: Söldner*in – Für Geld mach‘ ich alles…?

Larp lebt von Klischees – eine Faustregel, die wir alle kennen. Doch welche Klischees oder besser Stereotype gibt es überhaupt? Und welche bekannten Charaktere der Populärkultur eignen sich vielleicht als Blaupause? Diese Serie beleuchtet verschiedene Klassiker unter den Charakterklassen – und gibt Hilfestellung auf der Suche nach Inspiration. Dieser Beitrag wurde von Josephine Pilz geschrieben…


Armed Forces Day, Woolwich, on 29th June 2024

Armed Forces Day, Woolwich, on 29th June 2024

This year Woolwich Barracks was the only Armed Forces Day celebration held in the whole of London District. Had I been mobile, I would certainly have gone to this event, but luckily Sue as able to spend an hour or so there on my behalf and took some photographs of the vehicle display. I am…


Victrix: Hard-Plastic Medieval/Fantasy Heads and More Preview

Victrix: Just a little something we’ve been secretly working on… A Medieval/Fantasy conversion sprue containing heads, cloaks and shields, for all your conversion desires! The sprue is already in the tooling room being cut and will be ready in the next few weeks!This will be both a stand-alone heads set (like the Greek Heads), and a…


Warbases: New 7th Cavalry Troopers and Pawnee Warriors

Warbases: The last two packs to be unveiled this week for Black Sheep Miniatures are this set of 7th Cavalry and set of Pawnee. These, along with the rest of the figures we have announced this week, are now available online here Powered by WPeMatico Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere…
