5107 Londinium Coach 28mm vehicle plus options remastered release

5107 Londinium Coach 28mm vehicle plus options remastered release

“Be Carried in Style and Finery good sirs!  Stage by Stage our Coach will get you there.”

Returning in remastered new molds with many parts now in resin our 2008 original release 5107 Londinium Coach in 28mm scale for Flintloque or Slaughterloo or Historical Gaming in the age of Horse and Musket. Absent for more than a decade in our ranges. At 260mm long with four horses pulling it is a majestic model kit indeed.  Sculpted by Mark Ricketts we have it as a boxed set of all parts, crew and four horses with two extra horses free (six in total) or the Coach alone or the other primary parts of the set as singles.  See it in our Battlefield Bits range, our 28mm Terrain Range as well as several of the World of Valon pages such as the Army of Greate Britorcn.  Here are all the codes which are now on the site.

5107 The Londinium Coach Boxed Set (Vehicle, Crew plus four horses and Two Extra Horses Free)

5107A Albion Orc Coach Driver

5107B Albion Orc Footman

5107C Coach Horse

5107D Pair of Coach Rear Wheels

5107E Pair of Coach Front Wheels

5107F Coach Kit (If you wish to use your own Animals and Crew)

The assembled coach (minus any horses) is 140mm long and 50mm wide, 55mm tall; add four horses and it is 260mm long.  The coach is made up of twenty one 28mm scale parts in metal and resin not including the Driver and Footman or Horses. For experienced modellers. 

We have a free download for The Londinium Coach.  A sixteen page booklet containing tales of Valon plus rules for Flintloque and Slaughterloo as well as two Flintloque scenarios and paint schemes for your Coach.  There is also a build guide for putting the vehicle together. CLICK HERE to add to your collection.  See our FREE RESOURCES page for everything to download gratis.

This is our only release this month for the World of Valon and we hope you like it!


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