A bit like No6 buses…
…in that you wait for ages then two turn up at the same time. This is the latest publication from Wessex Games, a World War Two version of their air wargaming rules, Air War 1940. Unlike the World War One set, these are brand new and not a second edition, so no surprises that my end of the week pocket money purchase this week will be a shiny new digital copy of the rules. Here’s the blurb from Wargame Vault which I think you’ll agree, sounds pretty enticing:
AirWar 1940 is the latest in our series of fun, fast play air warfare rules that cover the spirit of air combat whilst being a set that would be good for a newcomer to aerial wargaming, or for a more experienced “old hand” who wants a simple yet enjoyable set of rules to introduce new players.
After a couple of games reference to the rule book will become occasional with players concentrating on shooting down their opponents rather than ploughing through the sub-minutiae of clauses and appendices. The requirement for our rules is to provide a game that met the “5 minute rule” for explanation and the “45 minute rule” for game play.
The 41 page rulebook includes rules for aircraft characteristics, movement, special manoeuvres, dog fighting, ground attack, AA fire and even “auto-pilot” bomber formations so you can concentrate on the more fun aspect of shooting them down! There are also ratings for 254 aircraft era aircraft from thirteen nations, from the last bi-planes of the 1930’s though to the first jets of the late 1940’s and early ’50’s.
…that’s good enough for me. Tally Ho!
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Autor: Jim Jackaman / Jim’s Wargames Workbench
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