A Couple More Perry WotR Artillery

These are the two cannon which my buddy Ron sold me dirt cheap a few weeks ago at the Lion Rampant game day. He only had 4 crewmen, so I ended up converting a couple of plastic left-over figures from the Mercenary box. Instead of 4 crew per gun, only 3 are used.

Painted up one crew as Burgundians and the other one in generic red livery.

You may note that the single arc cannon crew has a guy holding the breech, and the cannon itself already has one in place. I messed up which crew was going to which gun, but didn’t want to repaint the figure. Maybe he’s got a spare…but, then the double-arc cannon doesn’t have one at all!

The Burgundian livery sort of sets off the red painted cannon.


There are now 4 cannon which could be used in a Bosworth scenario – all sitting atop Ambion Hill facing Henry Tudor’s army. Still need to come up with a way to use them in Lion Rampant. Possibly, they’ll only be allowed to fired once every other turn – if successfully activated on 6+.

Now that all of the figures and models are painted, it’ll be time to set up a table to see how they’ll look for a Bosworth game. Thanks for stopping by and hope you’re having a nice hobby day!

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