A New ACW Video From Der Alte Fritz Productions

A New ACW Video From Der Alte Fritz Productions


Pickett’s Charge play test game on Keith L.’s huge tables.
We used three tables measuring 6ft wide by 24ft long.

I made a new American Civil War video (1 minute and 40 seconds long) yesterday and posted copies all over Facebook and so far it has been very well received. I employed the Ken Burns method of showing a series of still photos that are accompanied by music. It can be very effective. Since many of my viewers don’t have access to Facebook I have posted the video here on my blog. Click below to watch. I hope that you like it, especially the bit of razzle dazzle in the last frame.

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The Little Wars convention is fast approaching: April 18 through April 21, 2024 in the Chicago area. I will be running my Pickett’s Charge game three times, once each on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you happen to be at the show, please feel free to walk up to me and introduce yourself. Better yet, sign up to play in the game.


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Autor: Der Alte Fritz / Der Alte Fritz Journal
