Age of Sigmar – Path to Glory – The Ruined Settlement
A sweltering hot breeze whislted through the ancient ruins strewn across the blasted landscape of Aqshy. The only other sounds to be heard were the muffled sounds of armour clattering as the Bloodbound crossed through the rubble of long-forgotten town. The Daemonic Hounds that sniffed out their quarry padded across the debris in utter silence. The Dead that waited for them were utterly silent…
Slaughterpriest Bob Bloodblob had bound the Daemon Karanak, Hound of Vengeance, and it’s horde of Flesh Hounds and commanded them to seek out the Vampire that has brought ruin to his brother Slaughterpriest…
The hounds had led them to the Isle of Morn, where Duchess Mircalla, Vampire Lord, laid in wait to teach another brash band of Khorne worshippers it is dangerous to trespass in the lands of the Soulblights…
This past Thursday, Orion and I got together to play some Age of Sigmar. We played a 1000-Point Paths to Glory battle.
Bob Bloodblob’s Bloodbound Brotherhood of Blood
Slaughterpriest General’s Regiment
- Hero- Bob Bloodblob – Slaughterpriest – 5 Renown – Level One
- Unit – name – Mighty Skullcrushers
- Unit – name – Bloodreavers
- Unit – Garrek’s Reavers
Karanak’s Regiment
- Hero- Karanak, Hound of Vengeance!
- Unit – name – Flesh Hounds
- Unit – name – Flesh Hounds
- Unit – name – Flesh Hounds
(Okay… the name is a bit wrong… it’s NOT all Bloodbound… but afterwards I got to thinking I should probably ditch Karanak and the Flesh Hounds and focus on just mortal Bloodbound forces…)
Duchess Mircalla’s Soulblight Force
Vampire Lord General’s Regiment
- Hero- Duchess Mircalla – Vampire Lord
- Unit – Isolbella’s Riders of the Red Dragon – Blood Knights
- Unit – The Nulahmian Guard – Grave Guard
- Unit – The Curse Born – Vargheists
Necromancer’s Regiment
- Hero – Zondara the Tragic – Necromancer
- Unit – The Dessicated Legion – Deathrattle Skellies
Blades of Khorne forces arrayed against the Soulblight Gravelords.
We played the Ruined Settlement scenario. Points were gained for controlling each of the five objectives at the end of each players turns.
I went first.
Orion spent a command point and summoned the Purple Sun of Shyish endless spell…
Teh Hordes of Flesh Hounds and the Mighty Skullcrushers charged forward and clashed into the line of the Gravelords.
Karanak and one of the units of Flesh Hounds didn’t quite make it into contact with anyone… but they held an objective for a round.
The Mighty Skullcrushers and one unit Flesh Hounds had utterly destroyed the Deathrattle Skeletons they’d charged.
The Purple Sun of Shyish was banished (though a little out of sequence as we forgot a LOT of rules… In my defence, I have not played since the beginning of October, and I’ve never played these Khorne forces… other than that one game of Spearhead… and those rules are a bit different!
On Orion’s turn, one of her wizards summoned a Suffocating Gravetide and the other one cast a spell on my Bloodreavers and dealt some damage! This angered Bob Bloodblob as those Bloodreavers were there for HIM to sacrifice!
The Vargheists flew up and dropped down on one of the objective locations to hold steal that away from me…
The Suffocating Gravetide chased after Some of those Flesh Hounds… and wiped them out! The Grave Guard would charge the remaining Mighty Skullcrushers.
At the beginning of Round Two, Orion won the roll-off and decided to go first, effectively having two turns in a row! This is a whole thing in Age of Sigmar – each round you roll to decide who goes first… if you went second in the previous round, you can potentially go first in the second round and have two turns in a row. In Spearhead and Matched Play (like, at tournaments and other competitive events) CHOOSING to take a double turn had CONSEQUENCES (like you don’t get to draw new cards and other things..). In Narrative Play…? Like Paths of Glory…? Not-so-much…
So the Vargheists charged Garrek’s Reavers AND the remaining Mighty Skullcrusher.
Half of the unit of Deathrattle Skeletons had been brought back at the end of the first round and seized an objective and charged a unit of Flesh Hounds – with the aid of the Suffocating Gravetide… which also went after Karanak…
Garrek’s Revers were wiped out and the last of the Mighty Skullcrushers was laid low… the Bloodknights finished off the Flesh Hounds that had been stalling them…
Things were looking BLEAK…
At the beginning of my second turn… HALF of my units were destroyed. Of the remaining ones, half were seriously damaged – the Bloodreavers had lost four (of ten) and the remaining unit of Flesh Hounds were down to two (of five)…
The Soulblight Gravelords…? ALL of their units were still on the table. The Vargheists had lost one of their number, as did the Bloodknights… The Deathrattle skeletons, which had been wiped out in the first turn… were back at 50%… and there was one active endless spell and a second would likely be summoned on Orion’s next turn…
So at the beginning of their second turn, the rest of the Bloodbound scampered away…
I guess I could have played it out (which might have been more in-character for the Blades of Khorne…), but the writing was on the wall, and I was tired (not having slept nearly enough the night before and then rode out to the Warhammer Store) and I know I’d made a lot of mistakes – both tactically, and just playing the game wrong, forgetting rules of how things worked…
It was good to play the game and get some practice (and afterwards I went home and re-read the rules, looking for specific things I wasn’t clear about and have a much better idea of how things work… will I REMEMBER any of them the next time I play…? Who knows…
We did go through the post game sequence and units gained Renown and the armies gained Glory and I think Orion finished her current Quest (gain more spells?). Orion had also, finally, gained enough Glory to add a new unit to her force – a Vengorian Lord!!
I think I’ll just abandon this force, for now, and try something different next time…
This is the Suffocating Gravetide – it is the same Endless Spell the Heroes are fleeing from in games of Warhammer Quest! It’s a pretty rad model and looks much more ominous that the small cardboard counter that represents it in Warhammer Quest!!
(I might need to get one!)
Hoe did I end up bringing out the Blades of Khorne?!
(After spending all that time fussing over which army to play… deciding on Hedonites of Slaanesh… then changing my mind and deciding on focusing on Slave to Darkness to finish up enough to play… then reconsidering Soulblight Gravelords…?)
Slaanesh still would have made the most sense to play – because I actually HAVE Endless Spells for that faction… and they make a BIG DIFFERENCE – it’s basically a free unit that you can just keep summoning back every turn if you need to! But the Hedonites are just so hard to transport without breaking stuff…
I do have endless spells for the Slaves to Darkness… but did not thing I had nearly enough stuff painted (though I realized later I was somehow completely forgetting that I had a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount and was much closer to having 1000 points than I’d initially thought!).
I had also SERIOUSLY considered taking Soulblight Gravelords for funsies – have a little undead on undead violence… but again, breaky skeletons and it would have mostly been Vampires heroes and monsters and ONE unit of skeleton infantry…
After the game I was thinking of reorganizing the Blades of Khorne and dropping Karanak and the Flesh Hounds and trying to finish up the Mighty Lord of Khorne and maybe a Bloodsecrator and bringing in a unit of Blood Warriors…? But after I realized I was close to having enough for a Slaves to Darkness, I think I’ll focus on getting that ready for the next time I play! (even though it’s going to be a force with a lot of big monsters… which seems a bit silly to me…)
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