Age of Sigmar - Slaves to Darkness - Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount

Age of Sigmar – Slaves to Darkness – Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount

 I finished this a few days ago and didn’t get to posting it because I’d wanted to try to type out a bunch of the background fluff I’ve had percolating (festering?) in my brain for the last three years – and at least come up with a NAME for the leader of my Slaves to Darkness forces… but I’m realizing that’s going to take a while, and I kind of just want to post some pictures and move on… 

I WILL get to typing up some of the fluff at some point. The short version is there is a woman under all that armour. The host is matriarchal and the Chaos „Lord“ and Chaos Sorcerer „Lord“ and all the Chaos Knights are female… I’ve dreamed up some other administrative structural ideas… but that’s the core of it.. 

Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount

I added a little braid of hair hanging out from under the helmet in an attempt to make it a tad more feminine on appearance…? 

I don’t know… Chaos LORD doesn’t seem quire right for a female leader… but calling it Chaos LADY on a Daemonic Mount doesn’t sit right either… Darkoath tribes call their female leaders „QUEENS“…? 

The blue and orange fur is from a beast that stalks the Northern Steppes of the Parch in Aqshy where the hose hails from. As a rite of passage the prospective chaos knights must hunt one down armed only with their chaos blade (and no armour!) 

I have not names the beast, yet… I was thinking someting like Fell-Lion…? I don’t know. Open to suggestions here… 

The original models left army was a large tentacle (and may have split into two?) but because I’d originally intended that the host be worshipers of some aspect of Slaanesh, I carved it off and added a spare claw from a Daemonette of Slaanesh 

The entire Slaves to Darkness host… so far… Which is a bit sad, I need to get working on these!!

I do actually have one more model nearly finished. Well… it WAS finished, then I decided I needed to change a detail on it… I shall post that in the next day or two… 

Then I’ll need to concentrate on finishing up the last of the Warhammer Quest stuff and then the last of the Sylvaneth and Nighthaunts… THEN I’m going to do a BUNCH of assembling. I have the Soulblight Gravelords Spearhead army that I never got around to assembling, save the Vampire Lord in that box (also a female figure… and called „Lord“… maybe I’ll just stick with that…) and then I have ALL THE SLAVES TO DARKNESS I need to assemble. 

I have 10 Knights, 30 Mounted Marauders/Darkoath Fellriders, 10 Darkoath Savagers, 9 Corvus Cabal, and 30 Darkoath Marauders. Of those I have assembled two Knights and five of the Mounted Marauders – and the Darkoath War Queen and Chaos Sorcerer Lord and Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (this is the one that’s kind of, sort of done). Oh, I also have an OLD metal mounted Chaos Sorcerer Lord – that I was trying to do a bit of a conversion on… I should get to THAT ONE too, now that the Battletome it out and I can actually field a MOUNTED Chaos Sorcerer Lord – at least in Path to Glory/Narrative games using the Anvil of Apotheosis (rules for creating custom characters!) 

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