AHPC 13 – The Directors Chair – 15mm French Indian Wars
Red Security Pass:
If you have completed at least four Green locations and four Blue locations, well done! You’ll now be welcomed into the Studio of the Great Show-Lord himself to collect your Red Security pass. The Show-Lord will give you one task to complete. If you succeed, you’ll have earned the chance to sit in the Producer’s Chair. Everyone… please be quiet…… shhh!! ….Lights. Camera. Action!
„Now, what do you have in your collection that you may have been avoiding, or been wanting to get to, but something always seems to get in the way of completing it? Basically, let’s come up with a task for you that is fun but also a bit of a challenge.“
Hmm? I had to think about this one? I suppose the key words were „wanting to get to, but something always seems to get in the way of completing it“
Way back in the misdt of time 2012 infact was the last time I painted up some of my 15mm French Indian War collection, so I thought I might brush the dust off the mega box of unpainted goodies.
Here’s the post from March 2oth 2012
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