Alternia the Barbarian is here and she will be much more in 2022

Alternia the Barbarian is here and she will be much more in 2022

Allow us to show you the new mascot miniature of Alternative Armies.  We call her ‚Alternia‘ and she is a very versatile lady indeed.  In 28mm scale you can see her here now released in original look; that of a fantasy barbarian.  A new miniature great for any system and the first entry into a new range on the website.  Go HERE to the new page.

For now she is alone but beginning in January 2022 and across the entirety of the coming year each month a new version of Alternia will appear.  That new version will be free in every order for that month before being replaced with the next month and so forth until December 2022.  Each of these Alternia’s will be different in costume and in pose with only herself and her signature Alternative Armies arrowhead weapon remaining every time.  You will be able to build up a collection for free!  

This month of course the free miniature is the great Cadaver Monster which is included automatically in packages.  See that HERE.

Winter Mega Event 2021 is on until 3rd December.  20% off all orders at checkout automatically, 30 new releases (almost daily reveal across November), deals and offers plus free Cadaver Monster (multi-scale use worth 6.00GBP) in every package shipped.  Read in full on our BLOG or go to the WEBSITE.  Thank you!

Thanks for reading,


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