An Actual Gaming Post At Long Last! Live From Enfilade! 2018
Posting this late Saturday night from Olympia, Washington – the second day of the flagship historical gaming convention here in the Pacific Northwest, Enfilade! I was happy to host four Lion Rampant games. Two First St Albans games on Friday (afternoon and evening periods); and two Tewkesbury games on Saturday (morning and afternoon period). Each game had six sign ups filled up before the convention started – I actually was honored to have a seventh player walk on for my last two games – Chris from Cigar Box battle mats. I was even fortunate to get into the new TFL „What a Tanker“ game on Saturday night. I liked the rules very much and may be picking up a copy. Without further adieu here are some pictures of just a few of the 124 listed games.
Alyssa Faden’s amazing Teutoburg games using modified DBM. Incidentally, she’s also the convention director for the first year and did an outstanding job. |
My first First St Albans game on Friday afternoon. The Yorkist got into the town and captured King Henry in both games – but not after being bloodied. |
Longtime NHMGS member and former president, Kevin Smyth’s Thunderboats games with his hand-painted boat based on actual race boats from Washington State. |
Team Yankee game |
Another shot of Alyssa’s Teutoburg game which she ran in several periods and won deserved recognition. |
Saxon Trap game using modified Black Powder; the table was super long. |
A fantastic Hot Wheels, HMGs, and Human Gangs game. Fantastic terrain and converted Hot Wheels. |
Shop smart, shop S-Mart zombie game. Very cool looking too. |
A Bronze Age game using 40mm figures by my buddy David (I Live With Cats blog). |
Bruce Meyer of Company B’s Java 1942 game using Combat! (which I’ve never heard of before). |
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A very nice Forvono game using The Pikeman’s Lament rules by Spencer of Little Wars blog. |
Another shot of the Hot Wheels game. |
Some pics from the Tewkesbury games on Saturday. The Yorkist barely won in both games. |
Another game by David Sullivan of I Live With Cats. This wonderful pike and shot game using The Pikeman’s Lament |
Start of my very first game of What A Tanker! |
I ran a T-34 with exceptionally good dice rolls – nearly taking out a Stug, which was actually finished off by the IS-2. |
Jackson’s Night Attack using The Men Who Would Be King in 54mm |
Lost in Lemuria Again using In Her Majesty’s Name |
For whatever reason, I find that I enjoy hosting games more than playing in them. Especially at Enfilade! Maybe, it’s because I plan for it so far out and look forward in anticipation to hosting it. Of course, it’s always great to see folks I only see once or twice a year and have developed what I would consider a friendship with. Thank you very much for stopping by and best regards to all!
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