Analogue painting challenge XV – my projects
Analogue painting challenge XV
The commencement of the 15th Analogue painting challenge is 8 days away and I am settling on my projects. We commence on the 21st of December and finish on 20th March. My goal is 500 points this year, but I do plan on surpassing it.
Scoring will be
28mm foot – 5 points
28mm mounted or crew served 10 points
20mm foot – 4 points
20mm mounted or crew served weapon – 8 points
20mm vehicle – 15 points
I plan to paint my French Guard cavalry, some Bavarians and some line cavalry also.
– Mameluke Band
– Empress Dragoons de la garde
– Grenadiers a Cheval de la garde
– Artillery a Cheval de la garde
– Chassuers a Cheval de la garde
– French lancers three regiments
– Bavarian line
– American Infantry
– American Armour
– American Soft skins
– American Artillery
– Landing Craft
– Aircraft
That lot should keep me busy
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