Autumn Offensive

Autumn Offensive


The holidays are finally drawing to a close and it’s time to look forward to the plan for the next four months. The main thrust will be the 15mm Red Actions! AFSR army, which I’m going to break down into what I hope are manageable sections, painting up one infantry or cavalry unit and a couple of support units at a time. So that I don’t lose what grip on sanity I still have left, I’ll also be painting up a couple of very small, self contained things along the way, possibly including some 2mm English Civil War regiments or perhaps a few 1/2400th or 1/3000th scale naval bits and bobs. It’s all going to kick off once I’ve finished the French Napoleonic fleet, which is rolling along quite nicely in the right direction.

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Autor: Jim Jackaman / Jim’s Wargames Workbench
