Back of Beyond Turkish Army

Back of Beyond Turkish Army


A late addition to the project list this year, an old project I started on way back in 2014 but didn’t get round to actually painting. The core units of the army were assembled and based in 2016 and there are about three or four units still to prepare, but essentially it’s good to go. I did think about doing a Chinese Warlord or British Expeditionary army, as I have all of the stuff required, but both of those would have to start from scratch, so the Turks are a much better option. 

The army consists of a CO and two staff officers, a Mad Mullah, three units of infantry, a unit of Circassian cavalry, two machine guns, an anti aircraft gun, a field gun, an Erhardt armoured car and an Albatros CII aircraft. I’ve also ordered some Turkish lancer cavalry from Caliver as an additional unit and have some ideas to convert Copplestone Siberian Riflemen into a unit of Bukharan infantry, if I can make them look the part.

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Autor: Jim Jackaman / Jim’s Wargames Workbench
