Bag the Hun Basing Bosh
Now that I have at least one scenario to play test for the Continuation War project, it’s about time to get started on the aircraft. I’m still not decided if I should go for the quick and cheap option of 1/600th scale or the slower but more detailed option of 1/300th. Both scales have their merits, with 1/600th taking less time to paint but a bit more fiddly and lacking in visual interest, while 1/300th looks more impressive on the table but at the expense of time to paint up to a decent standard.
There’s also the knotty question of basing. I have a tried and tested method for 1/600th scale but, in the past, I’ve based my 1/300th scale aircraft on Raiden Miniatures resin and metal flight stands, which are now not in production. I’m thinking of making permanently mounted models on scratch built MDF and panel pin bases but perhaps magnet basing on nails might be a better, more flexible option.
I think I need to do some experimental bases to see what would work in the most efficient and effective way…
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Autor: Jim Jackaman / Jim’s Wargames Workbench