Battle Report – 29 July 2019 – Pikeman’s Lament

Ok, so.. I can actually roll dice, sometimes. And my luck (or lack of it) seems to be transferable.

And those are all Gary’s forces beyond mine, just after I’ve been
suckered into charging his dragoons in the wood…. because
Andy’s still scared of veteran shot with first volley 😀 😀 (I tease
mostly because it’s his only failing! Normally he slaughters me.)

Catchup game (hey, I was in the States) for our Pikeman’s Lament campaign – a 2 v 1 scenario with Gary and AndyM2 (again) trying to stop me getting a supply caravan down the table and off the end.

I picked an entirely different force to last time – two lots of Elite, Aggressive gallopers and 2 stands of veteran shot. It… sort of worked, in that I managed to protect the carts long enough to get them off the table, though it did cost me an unwisely placed unit of gallopers to a couple of Wild Charges, and a unit of shot to being nibbled to death by multiple volleys from commanded shot and dragoons.

Club still meeting at the studio, as our regular venue is having,
shall we say, issues with their decorators.

Andy’s still afraid of being shot at by veteran shot, and… apparently sitting on the same side of the table as me causes my rubbish dice rolling to transfer to him – he managed four (I think) double ones and several more failures to activate. My damage rolls weren’t brilliant but at least the carts activated every time they needed to (bar the time the civilians got shot and I had to move a unit of shot to manage the carts!).

A win for the King! Yay.

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Autor: Mike WhitakerTrouble At T’Mill – a wargaming blogTrouble At T’Mill – a wargaming blogTrouble At T’Mill – a wargaming blog

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