Coronation Day

Coronation Day

Today is the Coronation Day of Charles III, and I wish him a long and prosperous reign. I hope that the country will benefit from today’s events in the same way that it did in the aftermath of his mother’s coronation in the 1950s. That coincided with the beginning of a period that saw UK society gradually change for the better, and I sincerely wish that a new wave of improvement will come on the back of the ascension of our new king.


Coronation Day

A short request; please don’t expect me to reply to any anti-monarchist comments that are made.

If you do not like the fact that the UK is a monarchy, that’s fine by me. You are entitled to your opinion. Mine is that it is the best of a number of imperfect forms of government, and having seem what a mess some ‚elected‘ monarchies (i.e., republics) can get themselves into, I’d rather stick with a system that has been around for a very long time, even if I don’t have a great deal of time for some of the individual members of the Royal Family.

We tried republicanism in the UK back in the seventeenth century, and the monarchy was eventually restored. The reasons why are open to debate, but I am not going to join in that debate here. What I will state is that the Restoration marked the beginning of the development of the parliamentary democracy we now ‚enjoy‘ in the UK. It’s by no means perfect, but it works after a fashion.

Finally, I hope that everyone in the UK, be they monarchist, republican, anarchist, or whatever manages to enjoy themselves today. I certainly will!

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Autor: Robert (Bob) Cordery / Wargaming Miscellany

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