DaggerAndBrush now on Patreon – A modelling guide for the intrepid adventurer and more choice rewards
In the past years the DaggerAndBrush blog has become an essential part of my hobby and I really love to write tutorials and articles for you that hopefully inspire and entertain. Without you there would be no real reason to publish content, thus I thank you for your ongoing support, comments, suggestions, discussions and general banter; it does indeed mean a lot to me.
All content on the DaggerAndBrush blog will always be free and there won’t be any paywalls. I would love to publish content more regularly, but real life often prevents me from doing so. I would also love to feature videos and Twitch streams to show you some of the stuff that is hard to explain in writing or with a photo, but both requires significant amounts of time.
This is where this Patreon campaign comes into play. Through your support I will be able to publish content more regularly. Patreon gives you the choice what to support and when to support, so I chose it as a platform given it is entirely voluntary and community driven. Pledge levels start at 1 Dollar per content post and you only pay if new content is released. You can opt out whenever you like, no strings attached.
But wait, there is more! (*breathless excitement*) As a Patreon you will receive an electronic PDF scale modelling/painting guide and ultimately a campaign book complete with stories, encounter descriptions, hand drawn maps and ideas for terrain creations. All this is based on the tutorials and articles on my blog. Each time new content is published on DaggerAndBrush Patreons will receive an updated PDF until the first campaign book “In a Forest, Darkly” is finished. Accordingly the PDF is a “living PDF” that will grow with time.
If you would like to help me achieving these goals read more about the campaign below and the fine extra perks for Patreons.
Patreon Reward Tiers – Loots!
- Squire level: You would like to see content being released more frequently on D&B, but you don’t want to subscribe at a higher level? Then this is for you. I will endeavor to post at least two content posts a month on my blog and as support grows this will eventually increase to a post a week.
- Order of the Brush level: The articles on my blog are free and always will be, but as a Patreon you will receive PDF versions of my terrain and painting tutorials, campaign settings and encounter maps with a professional layout, exclusive photos and your name (or nickname) featured in the credits for as long as you are an active Patreon. You will also get short video clips illustrating a technique if it suits a tutorial. The PDF versions will often not be exactly the same as the blog posts, much rather they will follow a theme e. g. “In a Forest, Darkly”, “Mediterranean Terrain”, “How to paint Carthaginians” etc. Accordingly I will not always publish the Patreon only content alongside the blog post, but rather shortly after or update already existing PDFs adding new content.
- Chaplain level: The Chaplain and higher reward levels allow you to cast a vote on what I focus on next. This means the guides will reflect the ideas and suggestions of Patreons and are to some extend a collaborative project. You will also get access to high resolution versions of all my scenic photos, hand drawn designs and a selection of reference photos.
- Sergeant level: If you want a more personal experience, we set up an hour long Skype video chat once a month and you can ask me all the questions you might have about terrain creation and modelling techniques. Naturally email follow ups etc. are included.
- Hochmeister level: Finally, if you are a company I also have the Hochmeister sponsorship level. You have an amazing new product and you would like me to write an exclusive tutorial that features it? Then this level is for you.You can specifically ask me to feature a build on my blog and as a PDF. Do you have a new line of resin accessories? MDF terrain? Some new product that makes the modeler’s life easier? I am happy to feature them in a tailor made tutorial.You (or your company) will be prominently featured with your name, company logo and photo of your team (if desired). Depending on complexity the tutorial will not be published immediately or will be published in parts. I envisage this pledge level more as a one-off sponsorship tier, but you are welcome to ask for more tutorials if you desire so.
More options are already in the making. If you have an idea for a pledge reward let me know below in the comments, via Twitter or Facebook.
A pig in a poke? – Nope, preview time!
Naturally you may wonder how the PDF guide will look like and what kind of content you can expect to see in it. I went for a modern and clean design that puts the scenic shots in the limelight.
You’ll find a preview of the June release if you click the thumbnail below:
If you think this is for you consider joining the Order of the Brush.
Alternatively, if you are not too keen on the whole Patreon thing you can also use the button below to keep me caffeinated with a one-off infusion.
Finally, if you enjoy my blog and its contents, but at the moment can’t support me, don’t worry. After all the idea is to spread the love for modelling and to defeat Greenfelt the Defiler! Spread the word to recruit other adventurers for this noble course and keep crafting.
If you have any questions or suggestions comment below or use social media to contact me.
No matter what you do, always wield your brush with honor!
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Autor: daggerandbrushDagger and Brush, Daggerandbrush, dagger brushDagger and Brush, Daggerandbrush, dagger brushDagger and Brush, Daggerandbrush, dagger brush
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