Day Three – from London to Kenilworth
Today was a travel day as I had to take the train from Euston Station to Coventry, where Graham was to meet me and give me a ride to the Wild Geese gathering in Kenilworth.
I really enjoy traveling by train and I’ve always had a good experience with British Rail. My train left at 12:43 on the dot and I was in Coventry within an hour. Graham Cummings picked me up and we paid a visit to nearby Griffin Moulds to say hello to our friends Jane and Lisa and the rest of the staff at Griffin. There wasn’t a lot of new ground to cover because the service and quality of the casting products are second to none.
The company added resin casting to their list of capabilities and are working on 3D design programming and 3D printing which opens up a lot of new avenues for product development. I’m particularly intrigued by 3D printing.
After our visit we drove to Kenilworth and the Chesford Grange Hotel where we will be having our Wild Geese Wargaming weekend. The games start at 9AM on Saturday morning so I have to sign off and get some sleep.
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