DIY Flight Stands for Lacquered Coffins

DIY Flight Stands for Lacquered Coffins

I’ve been away in West Cornwall for a family reunion over the weekend, so got back very early today to find a package of bits from Warbases waiting for me. These are the components for some prototype flight bases to use with 1/300th or possibly 1/144th scale aircraft. 

The basic design uses a sandwich of two 40mm square, 3mm thick mdf bases, a double frame for 7mm mini-dice and a 50mm steel nail. The nail is upside down in the photo but will have the tip cut off and glued into a pre-drilled hole on the upper square, the flat nail head being the surface to which a magnetised model can be attached. It’s all very simple and also cheap to put together, making it possible to supply multiple stands to match different terrain cloths without breaking the bank.

I’ll glue this lot together during the week and will probably finish them off with a snow or tundra finish, to use with my 1/300th scale early war Soviet models, which I’m going to continue painting next year for both Arctic Eagles and the Contuation War. I also have some plans for Western Desert themed bases to use with 1/144th scale plastic models, assuming I don’t go down a Russian Front rabbit hole with those as well? 

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Autor: Jim Jackaman / Jim’s Wargames Workbench
