Elf Vivandiere released for Flintloque along with free article
The final new release from Alternative Armies this month is for Flintloque (and Slaughterloo) and it is a single female 28mm white metal miniature. Following up on 59526 Elf Corpse Pile and 57801 Vistholwa Legion earlier this month. 51048 Elf Vivandiere or the carrier of the canteen is a special character to add to your Section or Units for bonuses in play if you field the Ferach Armee. As well as the release we have a free Uniformation article to download giving you game mechanics and more. Go HERE or read on for more.
Added to the Elves of Armorica and good as a camp follower or Elvish civilian in its own right this lovely figure by Elton Waters.
51048 Elf Vivandiere
This pack contains a single 28mm scale white metal female Elf dressed in civilian clothing and carrying a wine barrel and tin mug. The canteen carrier sells sundries and such to Elf soldiers in the field and is well liked by the commanders of the Ferach Armee. You can learn more about Armorican Elves in 5025 Flintloque 3rd Edition War in Catalucia. There is a free Uniformation article with game mechanics in it. Suitable for use in any Fantasy 28mm game system. Go HERE. 2.00GBP
Click HERE to download the Uniformation article from our dropbox for free. A one page official game mechanics and more article for Flintloque and Slaughterloo as well as uniform details and story too. Enjoy!
We have other Elvish ladies and civilians for you too look at. These ones sculpted by Rob Alderman.
51047 Elf Ladies
Thee Female Miniatures. This pack contains three Elvish Ladies in white metal 28mm scale. Wearing dresses of the finest silks and cloth these three ladies represent youth, bloom and middle age giving many scenario uses. Go HERE. 7.00GBP A firm favourite among players of Slaughterloo this venerable set of miniatures has Elves and scenic items in it too.
51503 Elf Field Hospital
This code contains nine 28mm scale white metal pieces and is a collectors set with special uses in Slaughterloo and in your Flintloque scenarios. Contains Elvish Surgeon, Doctor, Sawbones, Two different Stretcher Bearers, the Stretcher and the Operating Table. Go HERE. 18.00GBP
We have a trio of Weekly Deals which run Monday to Sunday each week. Each week three different offers all at 20% off normal price for a code in that range on all of its options including painted and ready for play as well as whole units if applicable. We have a Flintloque code deal, a High Fantasy code deal and a 15mm scale code deal. Get something for your wargaming and check them out every Monday when they change. HERE. We also have a Latest Releases page where all of our codes from about the last six to ten weeks of releases are sited as well as in their own pages. If you want to see what Alternative Armies has been doing it is a great place to start. All of our ranges, all our game systems, 28mm and 15mm. All HERE.
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