Farewell Dippy!

The Natural History Museum, London has always held a special place in my heart, it being one of the first places* where young Master Awdry came face to face with what had previously only be consigned to reference books, I refer of course to the wonders of the prehistoric age and in particular dinosaurs. 
 *The first place being the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.  
This magnificent building, a striking example of Romanesque architecture, is a gem in its own right and never ceases to impress me when I visit.  The picture above, courtesy of the Natural History Museum’s website and taken in 1979, is how I first remember the majesty of the building, the iconic specimens standing proud in the Hintze Hall.  It had been a good while since I last resisted the museum, but when I heard the news that the plaster cast of their Diplodocus, affectionately named Dippy** was going to replaced with the skeletal remains of a Blue Whale myself and the ‚Saintly Mrs. Awdry‘ decided that would we would travel to the mighty metropolis to say our fond farewells.  
**Although I have to confess that I don’t ever remember calling her that.
What follows is simply a collection of items that caught my eye during our most recent visit, the summer before last, finally posted here; a somewhat tenuous link to ‚Dinovember‘.  As in previous years I hope to dedicate this month to all things pulp and prehistoric, but I’m a tad wary of making any bold promises of forthcoming content, particularly given my poor showing during ‚Zomtober‘.

But what, I hear you cry, has happened to Dippy?  The much loved skeleton is going on tour, all 292 bones!  Full details of her planned itinerary can be found on the museum’s website – here.

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Autor: Michael Awdry28mm Victorian Warfare28mm Victorian Warfare28mm Victorian Warfare

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