Flashpoint Spring Clean
I have been giving some thought to the various Target Locked On! projects that I have started, collectively titled as the ‚Flashpoint‘ projects. These are all focussed on Cold War conflicts, either real or imagined, with one already nearly compete (Flashpoint Taiwan) and a second well on the way (Flashpoint Xinjiang). I’ve yet to start on the principal project (Flashpoint Baltic) but that’s because the other two are more of a feasibility study in basing, painting and learning the rules.
However, I did think that the whole scheme needed a bit of a rationalisation as it was in danger of sprawling in too many directions. So, I have retitled the Flashpoint Xinjiang Sino-Soviet project as Flashpoint PVO, in order to make it more flexible. I have also brought the half completed Alto Cenepa War project into the fold, which was originally designed for Air War:C21, so that I can finish it off too as Flashpoint Alto Cenepa.
The other projects will stay as they are, although the Flashpoint Fleet Air Arm may eventually evolve into something more confrontational, assuming I can get hold of some 1/600th Indonesian Air Force insignia or think of a different ‚alternate history‘ conflict in which the Royal Navy could take a role. I may fall back on a Flashpoint Hong Kong concept for this, re-cycling my existing Chinese aircraft for just such a scheme?
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Autor: J JackamanJim’s Wargames WorkbenchJim’s Wargames WorkbenchJim’s Wargames Workbench
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