Fun with de-basing
I believe that only three things are certain, in life: Death, taxes and the need to re-base miniatures.
The steps are:
1. Find a tray with a flat bottom, a jug of water and, ideally, a stack of pennies.
2. Place the bases in the tray on a couple of pennies each (this allows water to get under the bases, and speeds the process). See pic above.
3. Carefully pour water into the tray, to bring the level of the water level with the top of the bases. If a little water goes onto the top of the bases, that’s all for the good. However, should the minis be in water up to their knees (or hooves), you risk damaging their paint. See below; the water is just wetting the top of the base, but not enough to frighten the horses.
If, on the other hand, they were glued with superglue or UHU, you’ll need to „crumble“ the MDF base away (see below), and carefully trim away the remaining MDF and glue from under the individual bases with a sharp craft knife.
*… although theologists talk of an especially hot corner of hell, that is reserved for those who superglue minis to pennies, or, worse still, plywood.
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Autor: BigRedBatThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCave
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