Gaslands - Oh yes!

Gaslands – Oh yes!


Yesterday evening at the Rose and Crown Nick gave my first taste of Gaslands and I was very impressed.

A simple circuit in which we both had a a car and a buggy armed with a machine-gun. Nicks buggy got pushed out of the race quite early on and was struggling to catch up, while my car and buggy were on the tail of his interceptor.

Well, the the interceptor crossed the line first, with only one damage point remaining and five hazard tokens, my shove meant that it ended up on it’s roof just the other side of the line!

I also got to see the Nicks new buggy from the Implements of Carnage II sprue fresh from Kev’s painting.

Hooked, I’ve bought the rules and both implements of carnage sets and checked out the local charity shop at lunchtime, unfortunately coming back empty handed. Off to some other shops in the hunt for Hot Wheels later!

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Autor: / Scrivsland

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