Ghost Archipelago – #3 Crustacean Graveyard.

Back in the 80’s when I was at school, Giant Rats, Slugs and Crabs were all the rage, all craving human flesh….. A bunch of us used to seek out these cheap paper backs and swap them every Friday in the play ground… A firm favourite of mine was Guy N Smiths Crab series hugh armoured crabs marching in land to destroy humanity but mostly sneaking up on midnight bathers… 🙂
I had long fancied putting these nasty nippers into a scenario and Ghost Archipelago seemed like the perfect vehicle.
Another outing in the occasional Ghost Archipelago Campaign which see’s Pirates, Marines and Atlantians in a three way battle in the islands and swamp lands.

After the last brusing encounter all three crews retreat into the hinterland frustrated at not being able to rescure their crewman, they stumble into the ruins of an ancient temple. Scattered amongst the ruins are the claws of several giant crabs, these razor sharp pincers fetch a pretty price on the open market. A quick sprint into the temple grab the prize and head home – Simple.

You need to be careful in the temple one wrong step and you risk falling on the sharp and jagged pincers, so tread carefully.

Guarding the temple and the treasures within are several crustaceans who will attack any potential trespassers in the area.

Everyone has the same idea rush in grab the valuable treasure and get out. Once again the Marines pick a fight with anyone within range and make short work of my Atlantians, killing one in the opening salvo and taking down Atmir the Warden. Fortunately he survies after rolling for wounds at the end of the battle but has lost a toe….. much to the amusement of my fellow gamers.
He really needs to swap his flip flops for boots.

With the Marines exchanging shots with the Atlantians, the Pirates make a run for it, grabbing the treasure and heading for the exit, but their path is blocked by a Crustacean.
Having seen the Marines take one down with musket fire Captain O’Keith seeks to go one better and launches an attack with his cutlass only to see it glance off the hardened shell.

The crew of the Sun Chaser join the melee but try as they might the nasty nipper would not go down, he continued to snap at his attackers, wounding a number of crewmen in the battle.

Meanwhile the Marines were advancing steadily through the temple and where forcing the Pirate rear guard out of the temple and stopping them from securing the central treasure.
As smoke of the sound of battle filled the temple hardly anyone heard the click click click getting ever closer.

It was now a straight fight between the Marines and Pirates each hell bent on securing the central treasure. Whilst the Atlantians hung around the side lines like annoying wasps at a picnic. Sniping at anyone within range.
As the battle raged on the Crabs moved towards the human combatants.

The Pirates had their fill and took off with their loot. The Marines were unable to take advantage of their victory as the temple was rapidly filling up with Crustaceans who were snapping the bones of the Captain Masters who had slipped and fell on the jagged floor.

With their leader KO’s the Marines pulled back, leaving the temple to the crabs.

A great game with everyone securing two treasures each and casualties on all sides.
Next up an adventure in the Swamp lands and an excuse to paint up that sail boat that’s tucked away somewhere in the depths of the garage.

Ghost Archipelago is turning into a midweek favourite.

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Autor: Stuart SDust, Tears & DiceDust, Tears & DiceDust, Tears & Dice

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