HORUS HERESY – The Mechanicum – Hammer of the Omnissiah
The elites of this force are the deadly Myrmidons. This squad are equipped for ranged combat with a variety of dangerous and esoteric weaponry. Painted by Andrew Gray.
The leader of the Mechanicum team was Marc Raley, the man who devised the lists for the 30K armies, and the guy who is doing so much to raise extra funds for the NOCF and their causes. He also contributed to the army by painting up this excellent Vulturax!
The massive Thanatar Automata, with its mind-blowing, shoulder-mounted plasma mortar, stands ready to stride across the battlefield and get stuck in. This one was painted by newcomer to the team, David Sampson.
And finally we have the wonderfully towering Cerastus Knight Atropos, able to lay down some heavy firepower from range against the enemies of the Mechanicum. Veteran team member John Steining applied the paint to this big project.
So, there you have it. I hope you love this as much as I do, and will click on the link HERE to buy some (more) tickets in the raffle to win this army! Things are looking very good so far this summer, let’s help them look even better : )
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Autor: davetaylordavetaylorminiaturesdavetaylorminiaturesdavetaylorminiatures
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