Hybrid painting US Paras…
In summary, then, after some more experimentation – this is basically a hybrid Contrast/ordinary paint scheme, a bit tweaked from last time:
- undercoat:
- Halfords Ultra Matt Khaki Camouflage paint.
- paint the Contrast paints first, because it’s much easier to overpaint Contrast paints with normal acrylics if you mess up, than the other way round:
- Jump boots – Gore Grunta Fur
- M1942 kit – Aggaros Dunes
- Gloves – Nazdreg Yellow
- Now on to the normal Vallejo AP colours:
- Webbing, pouches, pack etc – Vallejo Khaki + AP Military Shader
- Helmet, grenades, elbow and knee patches – Vallejo Brown Violet/Olive Drab
- Face – AP Tanned Flesh + AP Soft Tone
- Weapons, entrenching tool handles – Vallejo Chocolate Brown + Warlord Dark Gunmetal
- Shoulder patches (I still can’t believe I even thought about doing these!) – AP Deep Blue, Pure Red, Matt White, a very fine brush and a magnifier
And there you have it. One was based earlier – PVA, War World Gaming Army Coarse Sand (which is brilliant stuff), then a heavy wash of Vallejo Sepia wash, and some static grass from the three pots of sweepings from Bloody Omaha 😀 (For drier earth, I’d have drybrushed with something like Vallejo Grey Green before the grass.
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Autor: Mike WhitakerTrouble At T’Mill – a wargaming blogTrouble At T’Mill – a wargaming blogTrouble At T’Mill – a wargaming blog
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