Imbrian Arts Gnoll
This mini from Imbrian Art was my first attempt in placing a miniature on a nice display base. I started small with this 28mm gnoll to test out a basing technique using GW texture paint for crackled earth. The effect I was aiming for should be a dryed out river or water hole.
I sculpted the rough base with Milliput on a wooden base, then added texture with artist texture paste. The crackled texture of the dryed out mud was achieved by applying a thick layer og GW agrellan earth. You should try first to knew which thickness of paint works best for the wanted result.
I painted the base with brown tones but added some violet red and yellow to match the gnoll. The techniques used were more experimental. I started painting and just roughly worked with some pictures as reference.
Overall I´am very pleased with the result. This was mainly a test for a large scale display miniature I´am planning to paint next.
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Autor: Miniature BrushworkMiniature BrushworkMiniature BrushworkMiniature Brushwork
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