Kickstarter Watch – May ’40 Miniatures Early War Fallschirmjäger
Ending on Sunday morning, this is a KS I am definitely backing.
The guys from May ’40 Miniatures are also responsible for some lovely 1940 Dutch (which you can see on their website), and it’s probably no surprise, really, because, hey, they’re Dutch. 😀
But equally, don’t dismiss these because you don’t want to do early war Holland… They’re also good for early war in Norway, Belgium and Crete, and what-if scenarios in the likes of Gibraltar (that could be fun!), Malta and England (Operation: Sealion – guess why I’m backing them! I need more opponents for my Home Guard). There’s also awesome stuff in the add-ons like a 1/56 resin DFS230 glider for €30!
The KS ends on Sunday, and it’s currently touch and go whether it’ll make it – I think it really deserves to, because the sculpts are really really pretty[tm], so — pledge away! Please!
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Autor: Mike Whitaker / Trouble At T’Mill – a wargaming blog
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