Medieval Citizens I – Valdemar

The first set* in the new range of medieval bods from Valdemar..also available HERE
5 bods, two tables, a leg of Beef and a wee piggy wig on a ladder.

 Butcher and Baker

Mr C Saeryan and his „laddered“ pig
On the link, the bod with the leg of Beef is shown carrying it, but I´ve left that decision up to the creators of the 1329 dio. 
I reckon such a boar´s head would be quite heavy and not easy to carry in such a way, but  as I´ve never actually carried a boar´s head it might be possible.
*Apparently, there will be a total of ten Medieval civilian sets which will add up to around 60 bods

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Autor: Paul´s BodsPaul´s BodsPaul´s BodsPaul´s Bods

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