Merry Christmas From Der Alte Fritz

The Great Pond of Hesse Seewald

Merry Christmas everyone. It is Christmas Eve Day and we are getting a nice blanket of snow this morning that is quite beautiful to behold. I took my dog Tiberius on a long walk this morning, headed for the secluded large pond near our house where I can let him off leash to run around in the snow.

This is our first snow of the Christmas season and it is just enough snow for a White Chistmas (Bing Crosby song) without being too much of a hassle for traveling around.

We are having 25 people at our house for Christmas Day supper, bonhomie and joy, and the sharing of presents. So I spent the morning at various grocery stores picking up the food that we had preordered for the party. I hit the store early at 8:30 A.M. so there was but a light crowd in the stores which made the shopping easy.

One needs to embrace the snow and see its beauty.

I have decided that I will embrace the snow and cold weather and look at its beauty rather than its inconvenience and chill. I took a lot of pictures with my iPhone during the walk and I thought that I would share a few of them with you.

Mother Nature is a very talented painter.

Tiberius is enjoying his unfettered romp throw the snow.

A Winter’s trail winding its way through the woods
with evidence of other travelers trodding the pathway.

I want to thank all of my blog followers and visitors for taking a look at my compositions all year long. I also want to thank all of the visitors and members of the new Fife & Drum Miniatures forum that I established earlier in the year.

Forum link here.

Initially, the forum was supposed to highlight Fife & Drum AWI figures and Minden SYW figures, but then it sort of morphed into a general 18th Century information and discussion group that presents topics in a very relaxed and informal way.

Der Alte Fritz wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.
May your stockings be full of presents and may you be surrounded by friends and family.

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