Might it be possible to meld ShamBattle with the Portable Wargame?: Part 3: From map to tabletop

Might it be possible to meld ShamBattle with the Portable Wargame?: Part 3: From map to tabletop

Having created my map, I then translated it into a tabletop battlefield … and the end result looked like this …

Might it be possible to meld ShamBattle with the Portable Wargame?: Part 3: From map to tabletop

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Now all I’ve got to do is to write a suitably modified version of the PORTABLE WARGAME rules … and then the war can begin!

Some notes on the terrain

The hexes and roads were all made by Hexon II. With the exception of the long building with twin towers that forms part of Blueburg, all the building were resin-cast, painted souvenirs that were bought in various European countries. Where these souvenirs had embossed place names on them, I disguised this by the liberal use of naturally-coloured cork granules.

The exception was originally finished in black and intended to be used in a fish tank. I merely dry brushed the stonework with white paint and the tiled roofs with red paint.

The bridges were just short length of thin plywood.

PS. After I had taken the photos, I noticed that I had knocked one of the buildings (a small hut) out of place. It should be in the Redton hex.

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Autor: Robert (Bob) Cordery / Wargaming Miscellany
