Minden SYW Russian Observation Corps Figures Have Arrived
The new Minden SYW Russian Observation Corps („OC“) figures arrived from Griffin Moulds yesterday. The figures include OC musketeers and grenadiers, both in their summer kit of sleeved waistcoats. The officers wear the regulation coat. Both groups of figures have a command pack of 5 figures and a rank & file pack of 8 soldiers. There will also be packs of two extra standard bearers for both musketeers and grenadiers.
The Observation Corps figure packs are being offered at $10.00 for the command packs, $4.00 for the spare standard bearer packs, and $16.00 for the pack of rank and file soldiers. The Observation Corps figures will be priced at the old Minden prices for a limited time, through June 30, 2018, afterwhich they will be sold at the regular Minden prices.
The new figure packs are now added to the Fife & Drum Miniatures web store.
Click on the link HERE to go to the Fife & Drum Miniatures web store to inspect and purchase figures from our new SYW Russian range of figures.
Here are some pictures of the new figures, blackwashed to photograph better:
Observation Corps Musketeer Command (MR-013) pack with five figures. |
Observation Corps Musketeers (MR-014) pack with eight figures. |
Observation Corps Grenadier Command (MR-015) pack with 5 figures. |
Observation Corps Grenadiers (MR-016) pack with eight figures. |
Regular Line Musketeers in Summer kit (MR-005b) pack of eight figures. |
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