Minwax Stain: Not Just for People (in miniature), Horses Like It Too
Just a little update on the Wars of the Roses Project. Here are 24 horses – 12 each for the Light Cavalry and Mounted Men-at-Arms. The horses were given a basic block paint job, followed by Minwax Tudor Satin stain brushed on. They’ll be sprayed with Testors Dullcote once completely dried.
Except for some of neck/head options, the horses from both boxes are the same. As the bodies come in several different halves, varied poses can be achieved. |
The horses block painted, before the staining. |
These are the Light Cavalry figures. They’ve been a bit „over-engineered“ with removable/poseable right arms using magnets (arrows). The arms with lances could be swapped out for crossbow or longbow arms.
So much for now. Thanks again for checking out the blog.
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