Next in the production queue at Fife and Drum Miniatures

British Flank Company Skrimish figures.

The Saratoga British greens are at Griffin Moulds and they will start making production moulds once everyone is back from their holidays. The release date will likely be in early February.
More light infantry figures. The backpacks will be removed from all of the skirmish/firing figures
An NCO (far left) and rank and file center company British soldiers

British flank company figures in marching pose

British mounted officer wearing a round hat, turned up on the right side. This figure can be used in all theaters of the AWI, especially in the Southern Campaigns.
Richard Ansell is currently working on some nice surprises for the Fife and Drum Miniatures Saratoga figure range. Stay tuned and keep checking in on this blog to see what is in the pipeline. I’m not giving out any spoilers.

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Autor: Der Alte Fritz / Der Alte Fritz Journal

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