Ninja Division hat Warhammer Lizenz
Die eher für „Fun“ Spiele bekannte „Ninja Division“ hat sich die Warhammer Fantasy Lizenz geschnappt. Genauer gesagt die „Alte Welt“ und dort die Rechte an karten Spielen. Den Anfang macht „DOOMSEEKER™“ Erscheinen soll das ganze im Frühjahr 2018.
Hier die Meldung:
Doomseeker is a tabletop card game, created by David Freeman and John Cadice, where players take on the role of a mighty dwarf slayer. Each player’s character is sworn by the slayer’s oath to seek a glorious death in battle for a crime committed or stain on that dwarf’s honor. The slayers eschew worldly pursuits, dye their beards and hair in fierce and fiery reds and oranges, tattoo their ruddy flesh, take up their weapons, and wander the old world seeking their doom battling monsters and enemies of their race.
The Doomseeker card game pits players against one another to see who can die the most glorious death! Push your luck, challenge the denizens and monsters of the Old World, with each victory bringing you more glory, and ultimately your death can be met at the hands of a truly worthy foe! Slotted for release in Spring 2018, Doomseeker will be a boxed card game with cards, dice, and tokens needed to Play.
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