On the eighth day of Christmas

….OK I hear you say „It’s three days since his last post“, but who’s counting? Yuletide preparations have taken precedence. That said, last night I managed to finish two more units of knights, The first (above) is Giovanni de Medici, and the second, below, are some knights for the Bande Nere, the Black Bands of Giovanni, which confusingly appear to have post-dated his unfortunate encounter with a cannon ball.

Both units are plastic Perry minis from the small army I recently bought from Richard Hampson-Smith, highlighted and inked. All the flags are from Pete’s flags- and rather lovely! You can find them on eBay. The stands of knights with banners will be the command stands.

You’ll see I have only three units to go; one more lot of knights, some scruffy spearmen and some formed crossbows. I don’t have any of these minis, exactly, but I have others that can proxy for them and I’ll see if I can get some more on bases before Christmas!

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Autor: Simon MillerThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCave

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