Out of Africa(ns)

With the above Numidians based, I have finally have as many as I anticipate needing for the foreseeable futire…. These minis, mostly lovely Wargames Foundry from the Caesarians range, bring me to a total of 120 light horse which should be enough for most battles, even those battles where both sides had Numidian cavalry, such as Zama.The minis were painted by Shaun McTague and finished by me; the bases are my famous Batbases.
I’ll be running the big Ruspina game at SELWG on Sunday  and we’ll see how they do! If you are coming and want to play, please drop me a line. I won’t be selling anything at SELWG, but if anyone wants to order things from the BigRedbatShop by, say, 6PM on Saturday, I can bring them along for collection and refund your postage.

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Autor: Simon MillerThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCave

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