Perry Polish Infantry Skirmishers
Painted up as Grenadiers and Voltigeurs of the 4th and 8th Regiments.
Worked on these while awaiting the order for the command sprue and some other stuff, which I just got notified today as being shipped. Interestingly, it was sitting there for over a week, and I just placed another order for some Prussians last night – which also shipped today. I also picked up a box each of Wargames Atlantic Prussian Reservists and the old Wargames Factory Landwehr from ebay. The recent Perrry order included commands for the Reservists. Wasn’t going to start on Prussians, but couldn’t pass up the Wargames Atlantic set which has 60 figures for 50 cents each. Wanted the Landwehr set as it was also cheap, and comes with a bunch of flags.
The plastic for these Perry figures seem quite durable – I banged around their bayonets a few times accidentally while painting, and they were none the worse. They should hold up well enouch for a few skirmish games.
Guess I’m on a Napoleonic binge again. Still haven’t gotten back to the Imjin War project I was set to play test before my gall bladder attack several months ago. I’m thinking of running it at next year’s Enfilade, so will likely have to get back to it sometime in the near future. Wishing you all the best this holiday season!
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Autor: DeanM / WAB Corner