Perry WotR Cannon Completed + Henry VI and Entourage Rebased
This cannon and crew are the last of an order I placed a month or so ago. They are liveried in Murrey and Blue to represent the House of York – particularly Richard III. This metal set was a freebie included in an order of 3 boxes of WotR Infantry.
The Battle of First St Albans didn’t have any cannon, or handguns, as far as I know. They will be used in the Bosworth game.
In addition to the artillery, the previously painted Henry VI and entourage were rebased. The capture of these figures will be a major victory in the First St Albans game.
On the king’s left is the Duke of Buckingham; Queen Margaret flanks the king’s right.
With the cannon and crew set all of the WotR figures have been painted.
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