Prussian reinforcements (3)
Following on from the last post, more troops have rolled off the Prussian production line.
This time it’s two units each of cavalry and infantry plus four artillery caissons. All the figures are from the Baccus 6mm range while the bases are from Warbases.
The first unit is a unit of reservists in their plain old grey uniforms, these can really represent any of the grey clad reserve battalions.
The second unit of the week is a battalion of regulars with red facings, again these can represent many of the units in the army.
Both the flags are from the Baccus range, but they shed ink rather easily so I’ve taken to touching them up with a paint marker, they are still not that great.
Now for some fancy-pants Uhlans representing an actual unit, the 2nd Uhlans that were part of II Corps reserve brigade.
The next cavalry unit is also a named unit, of Westphalian Landwehr.
An attempt was made using the paint markers to add a cross to each pennant but they are just too small, so a dot had to suffice.
Finally a quartet of artillery caissons.
These are an important part of the General d’Armee II rules, four would be a very expensive painting effort in 28mm, but at 6mm it’s easy to crank them out and get them on the table.
This weekend the collection so far of Prussians; 20 infantry battalions, eight cavalry, four batteries and all the ancillaries will be taking part in our biggest 6mm General d’Armee II game so far.
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Autor: / Scrivsland