Renovating Weathertop
I would never buy an overpriced Games Workshop terrain piece. I actually got it for free because some one’s cat had clawed at the flocking. It was pretty simple to repair. But I like it, the jutting stones are suitably dramatic and fit my mental image of New Zealand Middle Earth.
I do have other hills however. I made these hills many years ago:
As you can see I made them by folding grass paper over expanded polystyrene. The big conical one was the base of Mrs. Rabbitman’s and mine wedding cake actually, which gives you an idea of how long I’ve had it. As you’ve probably figured out by now, the slopes are way too steep and both hills are rather unusable. So big dramatic hills like Weathertop have so far eluded me.
Ripping the grass paper off and hacking into the slopes would reduce the size of the hills to an unfortunate degree. Fortunately I’m a cheap bastard and didn’t throw away these big hunks of foam.
Then I thought „Hang on, how about gluing chunks of off cuts onto the slopes“ because again I’m a cheap bastard, and have a couple of boxes of off cuts from my NW Frontier hills.
Like this:
In front of the building toy that provides the mortar, arches and curved bricks |
I suppose I could have stopped here and called it a bit of Mordor? |
Flocking in process |
The Well of Tears, Mk. 1 and Mk. 2 |
This looks like a good spot for a heroic stand, as Elven Kings are wont to do. |
There is room for a 12 figure unit to squeeze on, honest. |
Bit more room on the ridge |
This side definitely needs archers |
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Autor: JamesRabbits In My BasementRabbits In My BasementRabbits In My Basement
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