Romans Arrive

My order of A&A Middle Empire Romans arrived just after KEGSCON.  So I’ve been beavering away to get them assembled and primed before the weather turns cold.

Notice Medusa head shield boss on the officer

The sale deal also included extra figures in command and archer packs.

So for games of the Two Fat Lardies ancient rules, tentatively titled „Infamy, Infamy!“ (Its a joke referencing an old ‚Carry On‘ movie), I’ve got 6x 8 figure groups of Infantry, 2x 6 figure groups of equites and 3x 6 figure groups of archers plus 5 Big Men.

For games of Lion Rampant or Hail Caesar I’ve got 4x 12 figure units of infantry 1x 12 figure unit of archers plus 6x skirmishing and 2x 6 figure units of equites.

I’m really pleased. Lovely details. Minimal flash. Nice poses. Generous allotment of extra shields and weapons too.

Can’t wait to get cracking on these.

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Autor: James / Rabbits In My Basement

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