RPG-a-Day 2023 – The End
Wrapping up that last few days of August…
29) Most Memorable ENCOUNTER
Ehhhh… not really thinking of any…
There was one Cthulhu game where the players were trying to be so gentlemanly and logical and talk sense to a VERY drunk bright young thing who just wanted to have fun and party some more and had zero idea how much danger she was in and completely frustrated the players attempts to save her at every turn… the players actually clapped at the end of the encounter!?? I think it was more the clapping because they’d enjoyed it SO MUCH is what made it memorable, than the actual encounter itself, which seemed to me just like any other ..?
30) OBSCURE RPG You’ve Played
I’ve owned a few obscure-ish RPGs… I’m not sure I ever played any of them…?
What even IS „obscure, anyway!? To a lot of people, I imagine, anything that ISN’T Dungeons & Dragons is „obscure“.
At one point I would have thought The Morrow Project was pretty obscure… then I learned there was a FOURTH EDITION!?!? It can’t be THAT obscure if there was enough people playing to warrant a second, third, or FOURTH(!?) edition.
Maybe Teenagers From Outer Space, again…?
You know what…. I HATE „what is you favourite …. ?“ questions… I have NO IDEA. There are games that I’d like to play now, that I like the idea of… There are games that I played in the past, some of them a LOT, but am no longer playing, and probably for REASONS!? NONE of stand out above all others as „THE BEST“ or „FAVOURITE“ of all ..
Do any of you, dear readers, have any memorable encounters, obscure games you’ve played, of favouritest games of ALL TIME!? LET ME KNOW!
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