Russian passengers
Having done some German truck passengers, I thought it would be rude not to do some Russians too. Useful for indicating when trucks are being as troop transports instead of logistics in larger scale games.
Here are the finished stands riding in my Peter Pig Gaz AA trucks.
The figures are actually spare PSC US halftrack crews, but the helmets are so similar in shape to Russian ones that painted in Russian colours they look fine. I just paint the leggings black so they look like puttees or high boots instead.
The standing figure with binos is actually a US .50 cal halftrack gunner. I cut the gun off and moved his arms a bit. Bizarrely he is standng with one foot in the air so I had make him a little box to put his right foot on.
The sitting figures are all designed to be seated on benches, so I made up little benches out of sprue for them too sit on.
The bases and benches are all painted Soviet green, and they also fit in the back of my Zvezda Gaz trucks, although the fit is looser. The tilts will actually fit over the top of the figures for storage purposes, which was what I wanted to do for my German lorry passengers, but I didn’t have enough seated figures.
As I was painting up some more passengers figures, I did a couple of extra German ones too. I thought the Horch cars looked a bit spare with only two figures in, so I moved the German ‚drivers‘ into the back seat and made up a couple more driving figures from US figures. I filed the helmets down a bit and painted them Field Grey, stuck in the front they look just like Germans. I think those look a lot better with more people in them.
Next I need to source some more sitting Germans and re-do the passenger bases for my Opels.
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Autor: Martin Rapier / The Games We Play