Shieldmaiden #2
After a long break I wanted to paint something again. And once more one of the beautiful Shieldmaidens from Shieldwolf Miniatures had to take up the roll as test dummy. Poor girl. That said, I really had a lot of fun with her and I really do like the result. Of course there’s always a lot of things one could have done better, but at some point I just wanted to finish this little experiment. What I tried to do? I just wasn’t satisfied with my current NMM anymore. It was not contrasty enough for my taste. So I added more black and white into it and now I really like it. Or what do you think?
Here comes a direct comparison between the new and old NMM to show you what I mean. Furthermore I changed the color of the base to brown to make it less dominant.
The beautiful maidens holding there ground against some sinister vermins.
And the newcomer in bigger pictures.
I hope my motivation doesn’t run off to fast, so I can get some more miniatures painted. đ
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Autor: luferoxluferoxluferox
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