Some Fantasy Odds and Ends

Some Fantasy Odds and Ends

Whilst I’m back in a Fantasy frame of mind I thought I’d paint up a few new things. I wanted more elves to build up my elfin army a bit more and I also wanted to get a couple more mundane but useful figures painted. So over the past week this is what I did.
These figures are from a Reaper Bones Henchmen and Hirelings set that I got last year. I think the set is part of their Dungeon Dwellers range. It’s a pretty good set of figures but I never got around to painting them until now. They are well cast and only needed minimum clean up to get them ready. There are 13 figures in the set so I still have 10 to go.
I also did this unit of elf archers. These are Oathmark and they’re a mix of the Elf Light Infantry torsos and the Elf Infantry arms. I saw this mix of parts on another blog and thought they looked good. I have plenty of spare Oathmark elves  so I thought I’d do a unit. I’m a bit disappointed with  their heads. They are very limited and I wish I had use a greater variety (I couldn’t really see the sameness before painting).

And that’s it for a quick post. I’m working on some of the new Oathmarc orcs. I’m converting them using left over polearm weapons from some Perry Wars of the Roses kits. So far they’re looking good.

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