SYWA Pictures – Part III Fontenoy
French Marshal Maurice de Saxe riding in his wicker chariot, due to a bad case of the gout. |
This was a superb game as the pictures below will attest:
The Irish „Wild Geese“ Brigade in French service. |
Here is a series of pictures that I took of the French fortifications near and around the town of Fontenoy. Regardless of the rules used, Fontenoy is a tough nut to crack and I wonder if anyone has ever actually capture the town?
French defences surrounding the town of Fontenoy. |
French redoubt facing the Dutch attack. |
Same redoubt as above. |
The famous Redoubt d’Eu which covered the French center on the rise between the town of Fontenoy and the Bois du Berry wooded area. |
Well, that is the end of my pictures from this year’s SYW Association convention. Next year’s convention will fall on the last weekend of March, unless it is an Easter weekend, in which case the convention moves to the first weekend in April.
These pictures depict but a few of the games that were staged at the convention, all of which were well presented and good looking games. If you have any interest in military history of the 18th Century, then you owe it to yourself to visit our convention.
Or, I could stage an AWI game…..
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