Team Yankee AAR – Soviet vs West Germans
I played my second team yankee game today, this time versus west germans. The game was fun but a total desaster. We played 40 points to test out some new unit types.
west germans:
- marder HQ
- marder platoon
- 2 Leopard 2
- 2 Jaguar 2
- 2 Roland
- 2 Tornados
- T64 HQ with atgm
- 4 T64 with atgm
- 2 ZSU23-4 Shilka
- 2 BMP2
- 2 Mil Mi 24 Hind
- small air combat company

A group of Tornados tried a bomb run on the T64 but the Shilkas took ghem down before any bombs were dropped

Shortly after the arrival of the BMP2 reserves the soviet forces are reduced to just a few teams. The game was lost
I cant remember every detail of the correct turns so I wrote everything up with the pictures. I hope you enjoy the small battle report. Cheers
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