The Battle of Ilipa 206 BC, using To The Strongest rules

This week, at Peter J’s request, I’ve set up a battle from the 2nd Punic War. Our first thought was to do a game using Hail Caesar but, because I don’t have the army lists done, because I don’t really know the rules (it would be a first battle using Hail Caesar), because I only have the PDF of the rules (which Warlord were offering for free a while ago), and because Mark D. wants to try a game of To The Strongest (rules the rest of us are familiar with), I’ve decided to set up the Battle of Ilipa 206 BC on the T.T.S. grid.

I haven’t done this battle before, I can’t think why, so it’s probably worth me writing up the following blurb for the players as a pre-game briefing. 

Historical Background

In 211 BC the Romans in Spain suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Hasdrubal Barca, Mago and Gisgo. The disaster was compounded by the deaths of two of the Roman commanders Cnaeus and Publius Scipio. 

The remnants of the Roman army, under it’s soldier elected leader Marcius Lucius managed to cling onto a small enclave north of the Ebro until reinforced by fresh troops, and new commanding officer named Nero that came over from Italy. 

Nero did much to improve the situation and by the Spring of 210 BC he was aggressively expanding Roman territory south of the Ebro.

At the end 210 BC Nero returned to Rome. He was replaced by one of the most gifted generals of antiquity – Publius Cornelius Scipio, later called Scipio Africanus – who arrived in Spain with further reinforcements. 

In 209 BC Scipio took the Barca capital of New Carthage, and followed this major achievement by defeating Hasdrubal at the Battle of Baecula in 208 BC. 

This victory cemented Scipio’s reputation with his soldiers – they were well trained veterans, well led and confident.

207 BC saw the Romans under Scipio consolidating their gains, especially over the rich silver mines in the Baecula region. The Carthaginian counterattack under Hasdrubal Barca fizzled out before it achieved anything and the Carthaginian army went onto the defensive by dispersing into surrounding cities. 

In 206 BC the Carthaginians decided to make a major effort against Scipio; they concentrated a large army under Hasdrubal Gisgo with which to crush the Roman. 

The army is variously described as somewhere between 50,000 and 70, 000 foot, between 4,000 and 4,500 horse and thirty-two elephants. 

Hasdrubal established his camp on top of a ridge near a town called Ilipa (probably in the modern region of Seville) from where he could taunt the Romans.

Scipio called in his various detachments and new Spanish allies. His army, roughly half Italian and half Spanish, amounted to 45,000 foot and 3,000 horse. He marched towards Ilipa and his willing enemy. Here, on a ridge on opposite side of the wide flat bottomed valley, Scipio established his camp. 

Following a clash of cavalry as Scipio’s army approached, which the Romans got the better of, things calmed down to a daily routine. 

Each morning, both armies would march out of their camp and form up in the plain between the ridges. Both sides formed up in a conventional fashion. 

The Carthaginians formed up with their African infantry in the centre flanked by Spanish troops supported by elephants, with wings of cavalry. 

The Romans deployed with their legions and alae in the centre flanked by their Spanish allies with cavalry on the wings. 

Neither side would attack, and after the usual taunts, both armies marched back to their camp for the night. Every day the routine was the same until…..

Scipio decided to wrong foot his enemy, and following a council of war where his orders for the upcoming battle were given and explained to his subordinates, the Roman army marched out of camp. 

The Carthaginians formed up as usual. The Romans formed up differently. 

On this morning, Scipio deployed his Spanish infantry in the centre flanked by a legion with its alae of Italians, whilst on the wings the cavalry deployed supported by the army’s velites.

Scipio’s plan of attack was sophisticated. His Spanish troops would advance and pin the Carthaginian centre in place without coming to hand strokes. The Romans and Italians would attack the Carthaginian’s Spanish troops and cavalry whilst the Roman cavalry and velites manoeuvred around the enemy flanks. 

Scipio hoped that, having thrown the Carthaginian battle plan into confusion by his novel deployment, his troops might get into their final attack positions before the enemy could respond effectively. His judgement was correct and his victory was an emphatic one.

The Game

The game has been set up on a 16 x 7 grid. No mans land is three squares. 

Because my units are quite large I decided to have my table marked up with 250 mm squares; this means my six feet wide table is only seven squares deep, not the prescribed eight; according to Simon Miller a three, rather than four square deep no man’s land is quite sufficient for ‚infantry‘ battles and I tend to agree.

The grid has been marked with green dots. They are easily seen when looking for them but they are unnoticeable when you aren’t. A grid of bold lines is not required.

The Romans

The Romans are deployed, with a second square front line and three clear squares to either flank, from left to right, in the following order of battle (colours denote separate commands). 

  • Romani / Latini equites backed by velites + heroic general.
  • Romani / Latini equites backed by velites.
  • Hastati backed by principes + general, triarii in the back square.
  • Spanish scutarii.
  • Spanish scutarii + attached general.
  • Spanish scutarii.
  • Spanish scutarii.
  • Hastati backed by principes + heroic general, triarii in the back square.
  • Romani / Latini equites backed by velites.
  • Romani / Latini equites backed by velites + general.

Scipio (senior, heroic and brilliant) can be deployed anywhere in the Roman battle line. The army has four heroes and four spare ammunition chits. 

The Carthaginians

The Carthaginians are deployed, with a second square front line and two clear squares to either flank, from left to right, in the following order of battle. 

  • Numidian cavalry backed by Numidian cavalry.
  • Spanish cavalry backed by Spanish cavalry + attached general.
  • Escorted African elephants backed by Spanish scutarii.
  • Escorted African elephants backed by Spanish scutarii + attached general.
  • Spanish catrati backed by African spearmen.
  • Balearic slingers backed by African spearmen.
  • Balearic slingers backed by African spearmen + general.
  • Spanish catrati backed by African spearmen.
  • Escorted African elephants backed by Spanish scutarii.
  • Escorted African elephants backed by Spanish scutarii + attached general.
  • Spanish cavalry backed by Spanish cavalry.
  • Numidian cavalry backed by Numidian cavalry + attached heroic general.

Hasdrubal (senior and heroic) can be deployed anywhere in the Carthaginian battle line. The army has three heroes and six spare ammunition chits.

Notes on Troops

I will use the standard rules, with one exception (see elephants), but I’ll play around with the definitions for some troops.

  • All equites save on 6+ and have 1 ammunition chit. 
  • Velites save on 7+ and have 3 ammunition chits.
  • Hastati save on 6+ and have one pilum chit; they are drilled legionaries.
  • Principes save on 5+ and have one pilum chit; they are drilled legionaries.
  • Triarii save on 5+; they are drilled legionaries.
  • All scutarii are deep shock javelimen units and save on 7+ and have 2 ammunition chits.
  • Spanish cavalry save on 7+ and have 1 ammunition chit.
  • Numidian cavalry save on 7+ and have 3 ammunition chits. 
  • All Carthaginian skirmishers save on 7+ and have 3 ammunition chits.
  • African spearmen are deep units and they save on 6+. 
  • Escorted elephants save on 7+ and have 3 ammunition chits; elephants count as deep (2 hit) units but they can share a square with one other unit of any size.

Scipio’s surprise tactics

Scipio’s surprise deployment threw the Carthaginians off balance and they were unable to respond to Scipio’s plan. To allow Scipio an advantage in the early stages of the battle, the Carthaginians count all movement as doubly difficult in turn one and difficult in turn two. Thereafter the element of surprise is lost.


From my Punic Wars books I used the following books as the main sources for reconstructing this battle.

The Fall of Carthage – Adrian Goldsworthy. ISBN 0-304-36642-0 
Scipio Africanus, Romes Greatest General – Richard A. Gabriel. ISBN 978-1-59797-205-5

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